Web Application Fundamentals: Building Your Foundation Part2

  • 4.3
  • (81+ reviews)


1. How data travels over the net?

2. How TCP/IP works?

3. What do you mean by ISP?

4. Which points should be kept in mind while subscribing to an internet connection plan?

5. What is modem?

6. What do you mean by modulation and demodulation?

7. What do you mean by protocols?

8. What is the Internet Protocol?

9. What is meant by HTTP?

10. What is the full form of HTTPS?

11. What is HTTPS?

12. What are the various differences between HTTP and HTTPS?

13. Which port numbers are used in HTTP and HTTPS?

14. What is the usage of File Transfer Protocol?

15. What is meant by SFTP?

16. What are the various differences between File Transfer Protocol and Secure File Transfer Protocol?

17. What is email?

18. Write the names of few common email protocols?

19. What is meant by Post Office Protocol 3? What are the various benefits and limitations of POP3?

20. What do you mean by IMAP?

21. What are the various differences between POP3 and IMAP?

22. What do you mean by Simple Mail Transfer Protocol?

23. TCP/IP is a combination of two protocols. What are those?

24. What is difference between IP and TCP?

25. What do you mean by Telnet?

26. What is meant by SSH?

27. What is the full form of SCP?

28. TCP/IP model consists of four layers. What are those layers?

Course Info

Created by Prabh Kirpa Classes
1 hour on-demand video
6 lectures
19,679+ students enrolled
4.3 rating from 81+ reviews
English language
Created on November 18, 2022
Category: It & Software
Subcategory: Other It & Software


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