Data Warehouse Projects: A Short Course for IT Executives

  • 4.5
  • (78+ reviews)


2nd Edition now available!

Data warehouse projects can be expensive and complex. If an organization does not currently have a data warehouse, the value of building one may not be clear. This course will teach you how to manage a data warehouse project in a timely, cost-effective manner that is on budget and will demonstrate value to the business from day one.

This course is designed for people who manage IT projects. If you are not an IT manager but are interested in learning how to build a data warehouse, this course can serve as a solid introduction to data warehousing.

You will learn how to manage the people and processes necessary to bring an enterprise data warehouse to initial operating capability. You will be taught common data warehouse terms so you can effectively communicate with technical resources. You will be introduced to the documents necessary to design and build a data warehouse. You will gain knowledge about common pitfalls to avoid. You will learn who you need to hire to work on the project and how to select those people.

Updates in the 2nd edition include:

Links to external resources have been added to the relevant lectures.

New lectures added after the initial publish date have been fully integrated.

Entire class has been re-recorded using professional voice talent.

Course Info

Created by Bob Wakefield
1 hour on-demand video
24 lectures
3,324+ students enrolled
4.5 rating from 78+ reviews
English language
Created on July 14, 2018
Category: It & Software
Subcategory: Other It & Software


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