We add online courses, mostly free and discounted, on this website. We do not host or sell courses; Udemy, Skillshare, Coursera, and other websites do. We enhance your learning experience by tracking discounts, free coupons, and free courses from those platforms.
Coupons are issued by instructors to promote their courses, gain traction, and reach momentum. The instructor can choose to issue discounted coupons (e.g., $11.99) or 100% off coupons (you pay nothing). Each coupon expires when the quota is met (e.g., 1000 enrollments) or when the expiration date is reached (e.g., 5 days).
For a coupon, the number of activations is now capped at a maximum of 1000. This means it can only be redeemed 1000 times before it expires or until it reaches its expiration date, whichever comes first.
We have no contact with instructors, and only instructors can issue coupons. You can try to contact the instructor directly by finding their Twitter or Facebook and asking for a coupon. However, we cannot assist with this at our level.
We have an affiliate contract with Udemy and we may receive a commission when you purchase through some of the affiliate links on this website. But this website is not a part of the Udemy Inc. Additionally, this website is NOT endorsed by Udemy in any way. Udemy is a trademark of Udemy, Inc.