From Sketch to Store: Mastering Greeting Card Design

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Do you know you have the talent and the ideas to create amazing greeting cards but have no idea how to get your designs into stores? Then this is the class for you!

Illustrators DoodUrl Team, has sold and licensed hundreds of greeting card designs over the last five years that are now being sold in major retailers world wide. In this class she shares her step by step process for how to research and concept saleable greeting card designs and then provides actionable strategies for submitting them to companies who can get your designs into stores. Students who take this class should already have the artistic skill (this is not an art class) and basic Photoshop skills.


Market Study

  • Greeting Card Categories & Themes

  • How to Research What is Selling in a Theme


  • Brainstorming within a Theme

  • Guidelines for Creating

    • Viable Forms of Media

    • Technical Specifications

    • Incorporating Text

    • Considering Embellishments

  • Laying Out Your Design for Presentation


  • How to Write a Brief Email Pitch

  • How to Find Companies to Submit to

  • How to Find Contacts at Those Companies

  • Typical Responses to Expect and How To Follow Up

  • Contract Overview

    • Typical Compensation Structures for Greeting Cards

    • Other Factors to Look Out for in a Contract

    • Resources for More Information







Course Info

Created by DoodUrl Team
39 minutes on-demand video
5 lectures
622+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on July 10, 2024
Category: Design


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