Basically, It's Energy!

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Basically, It’s Energy! serves as an entry point into energetics, particularly Masculine and Feminine energetics (yin-yang) and Shadow work. The talk covers the following:

* The Physics of Energy: we demystify the notion of ‘energetics’ by looking at the science behind energy at an atomic level, the universal laws that govern energy, and different scientific schools of thought around energy.

* Energy in the Body: we touch on energy systems in the human body (the meridians and chakras).

*The Subconscious: we look at the contribution that epigenetics and the research of Bruce Lipton contributes to understanding the subconscious as an energy body that affects the pattern of our lives.

*The Yin-Yang: we discuss "Balance" as a Universal Law and how how understanding the Masculine and the Feminine relates to our daily lives and interpersonal relationships.

*Shadow Work: we discuss the Jungian concept of the Shadow self, examine its energetic nature, and discuss how the Shadow can be validated and soothed through expressive embodiment.


*You are interested in (or skeptical of) energy and energetics and want to know more.

*You want to work with an energetic or functional medicine practitioner (such as a reiki master, acupuncturist, or homeopath) and would like to gain an appreciation for the philosophies upon which their practices are based.

*You are curious about joining The Art of Balance, Shadow Work, or one of my Play Groups, but you want a ‘taster’ before enrolling.

This talk is information dense: we cover a broad range of topics in a short amount of time, without delving too deeply into any of them. The talk is intended to expose you to the fundamentals of a broad range of topics. It is a springboard for diving deeper into an area of energetics that resonates with you. You will receive a PDF list of the resources mentioned during the talk to support your curiosity and onward journey.

Course Info

Created by Julie-Ann Coppinger
58 minutes on-demand video
5 lectures
33+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on January 11, 2023


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