Learn Illustrator By Recreating Top 3 Logos - Beginner Guide

  • 4.2
  • (1,256+ reviews)


If you're totally beginner in Adobe Illustrator then this course is perfect for you. I'll teach you the main tools we'll use in this course and then we will recreate top 3 logos using the same tools.

This course is divided into two sections

  1. Learning Illustrator tools
  2. Recreating Top 3 logos

  1. Learning Illustrator tools
  • Selection and direct selection tools
  • Pen and text tools
  • Rectangle and rotate tools
  • Shape builder and eyedropper tools

2. Recreating Top 3 Logos

  • Recreating Google Chrome Logo
  • Recreating Skype Logo
  • Recreating Windows 8 Logo

After completing this course you'll be able to create your own logos in no time.

Course Info

Created by Kashif Iqbal
56 minutes on-demand video
11 lectures
35,472+ students enrolled
4.2 rating from 1,256+ reviews
English language
Created on October 01, 2015
Category: Design


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