(Oxford) Diploma : Leadership : four themes

  • 4.8
  • (26+ reviews)


This course deals with four key leadership themes:

  • Mental health

  • Resilience

  • Burn out

  • Leadership trends in 2024

Each topic is broken down into subsections - with further ideas, facts, theories, components presented in summary form. Students are urged to listen to what is being said and then relate the lecture to their own experience (if any) and then discuss, discuss, discuss. The areas of burnout, mental health and resilience have been chosen because all three could equally apply to individuals away from the work environment.

For example, with the topic 'Mental health' we discuss exercise and nature but also the need to check in on yourself. how you are feeling will have an impact on your team just as how they feel and behave, will have an impact on you.

The emphasis throughout is to give a short, compact course BUT one that can easily be expanded on (and discussed) if students follow various questions, ideas, links and areas for further research.

Therefore if you are looking for:

  • A short course on current leadership themes that have huge impact

  • A course on themes but with plenty of further areas to consider

  • A course with a lot of information - and the opportunity to discuss

  • A course that deals with themes but in an original way using unusual examples

  • A course that comes straight to the point but encourages further thoughts

- then this is the course for you.

This course comes with the Oxford Diploma

Course Info

Created by Chris Sivewright
3 hours on-demand video
35 lectures
6,213+ students enrolled
4.8 rating from 26+ reviews
English language
Created on November 27, 2022
Subcategory: Leadership


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