Docker on Windows 10 and Server 2016

  • 3.9
  • (1,196+ reviews)


Docker on Windows 10 and Server 2016 course is designed in a such a way that anyone with good basic understanding on Docker and cloud infrastructure can easily get to know how beautifully Docker on windows is designed by Microsoft and docker team for 2 years !

In this course we will discuss starting from 

  • Basic of Docker on Windows
  • Working with Hyper-V containers
  • Understanding the advantages of Hyper-V containers over Virtual machines
  • Understanding and working with Server containers
  • How different Server containers are compared to Hyper-V containers
  • Namespace isolation and different levels of isolation provided by docker 

This course is really very helpful for DevOps who have been struggling for years with virtualization and cloud infrastructures.

Course Info

Created by Karthik KK
2 hours on-demand video
16 lectures
36,312+ students enrolled
3.9 rating from 1,196+ reviews
English language
Created on January 12, 2017
Category: It & Software
Subcategory: Network & Security


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