This course is transformational.
It will change your life for good, help equip you with life long skills and bring personal growth to you, your family, work colleagues, community, school, college to everyone around you.
Your mind will be elevated and you will notice changes in your own life.
This course was designed from personal experience and experiences.
It covers:
- Helps set your mind free, inspires hope, expectation, develops a sound mind and mental focus
- This course will show you the importance and how to set priorities
- You will learn how to create frameworks, structure and routine that help you in life
- You will learn what practices promote accountability and the various insights you learn about yourself
- How to launch, reinvent, start again from setbacks or when going through tough times
- How to develop good personal growth and discipline promoting habits
- Downloadable personal development aids including: 50 Affirmations, Journal template and SWOT Analysis template
- Real world examples and illustrations
It is a course which was developed to help people and from personal experience.
I have designed and included some aids to help you get the best out of this course
- 50 Affirmations
- Journal
- SWOT Analysis
This course is for everyone, whoever, where ever they are in life, whatever they are going through in life.
My heartfelt hope is that you get the utmost benefit from this course and all the advantages of living a life with all the practices mentioned in the course yield results in your life.
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For a coupon, number of activation are now capped to 1000 max. This means that it can be activated only a 1000 times, and then it expires; or reach its expiration date; whatever happens first.
We have no contact with instructors, and only instructors can emit coupons. You can try to directly contact the instructor finding his/her Twitter/Facebook, and ask him/her for a coupon, but at our level, we cannot help, sorry.
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