Buy a Business in the United States

  • 5.0
  • (2+ reviews)


Buying and growing a small business is an untapped opportunity in the United States right now. An unprecedented amount of wealth in the form of 2.3 million small businesses is about to change hands from the Baby Boomer generation to the Millennials and Gen Z. Knowing how to effectively find and buy these businesses is a skill that can almost guarantee financial freedom, fulfillment in your career, and impact in your community.

After buying and selling my own business, I have guided dozens of people through the acquisition process. This course is a distillation of the key steps involved in buying a business.

Smart Acquisitions takes you through the business buying process including the following stages:

  • Develop your Acquisition Vision: determine the business you want to buy through a series of exercises that forces you to think about where you want to be, how much you want to make, the kind of lifestyle you want, and more

  • The Search: use a variety of tools to find the business that meets your criteria

  • Valuing a Small Business: learn how to value a small business using the most common valuation method

  • Meet the Seller: learn what to expect when you meet the seller

  • Due Diligence: download the Due Diligence checklist and gain an understanding of what you should be looking at during the due diligence phase

  • Submitting an offer: submit an offer the seller can't refuse, negotiate for better terms, and review legal documents necessary for the transaction

Business acquisition is the greatest path I know of to independence, financial freedom, and a meaningful career.

Course Info

Created by Ross Zeiger
1 hour on-demand video
29 lectures
246+ students enrolled
5.0 rating from 2+ reviews
English language
Created on January 04, 2023
Category: Business
Subcategory: Entrepreneurship


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