7 Ingredients for Awesome Photography - Take Better Photos

  • 4.4
  • (382+ reviews)


Photography. Learn the 7 secret ingredients for awesome photos, every time.

Are you ready to take back creative control from your camera and capture your creative vision? As a pro photographer, for 30 years, I'll share the 7 secret ingredients for better photos.

Once you've completed this class you'll be able to take awesome photos, every time.

Includes all the ingredients for perfect exposures every time, in-depth tutorial on the Aperture, ISO, and Shutter Speeds. Free resources include 140 photography terms you should know as a photographer.

Plus, a free and private Facebook group to join, share and learn with like-minded photographers.

Ever wonder what the “Exposure Triangle” is? Well, wonder no more. An in-depth review of what the Exposure Triangle is and how to use it to ensure you have the exposure you desire.

Another key ingredient for creating amazing images is Composition. Find out what it is and how to use it to improve your images.

You’ll also explore an often overlooked camera setting… the White Balance. Learn what it is and why it’s important to get it right while shooting vs trying to fix in Photoshop, Lightroom, or GIMP.

If you’re ready to elevate your photography skills, let’s do it!

Course Info

Created by Chris Parker
56 minutes on-demand video
15 lectures
16,683+ students enrolled
4.4 rating from 382+ reviews
English language
Created on September 06, 2018
Subcategory: Photography


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