In 7 days, you will learn to use meditations from 10-30mins per day to achieve the goal of self-love on a mental emotional & physical level. You will grow your awareness, stabilize your emotions, learn how to feel, and open the portal for the love to flow.
Self-love is easier said than done. It takes not only affirmations e.g. “I love you” but daily actions to prove it to yourself. By using meditation & our innovative therapeutic healing method, we build a solid foundation for ourselves. We take action to build self-trust, self-respect, and self-love.
Release anger
To love ourselves, we need to first let go of any residue of anger in our psyche. Most suppressed anger is unconscious. You may not even be aware you have anger inside especially if you are programmed to be a people pleaser. When we let our anger go, self-forgiveness and love come naturally as the by-product.
Having toxic ties with people and circumstances that no longer serve your life is unhealthy. This is not an act of self-love but self-abuse. It is sometimes hard to let go when the relationship is co-dependent. We love ourselves enough to draw healthy boundary-cutting ties physically and energetically
Feely our emotions
When we love ourselves, we embrace our emotions no matter if it is a good feeling or bad feeling. We want to listen to ourselves, and nurture our emotions like a baby that needs to be hugged. That is all we need for the ultimate road to self-acceptance and self-love
In this course, we will
be your personal mediation coach
gentle therapeutic way to love ourselves effortlessly
build a solid foundation in different aspects of life
relax and calm our bodies
learn to trust & respect yourself
feel your body & stabilise your emotions
cut all toxic relationships & ties
learn to release anger, resentment & frustrations
and much more..
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