This course talks about xpath like what is xpath, types of xpath, xpath operators, xpath indexing, xpath methods and xpath axis. This course is constructed in such a way that each and every topic is explained in detailed way. After taking this course you will be mastered in xpath and you will be in a position to locate any web element on the web page how challenging it may be. Xpath construction is utmost important in automation with any tools like Selenium, WebDriver IO, Protractor, Cypress, Appium etc., Most of the automation tools the locators are main thing, once you master in locators then no point it is difficult to learn remaining things. Almost all tools require locators to work on the web pages, one of the finest locator every saw is xpath which is great locator to find web elements on the page.
Once you go through course either complete or partially, please don't forget to provide rating, thank you. . I will also try to update few videos of the course to make it more understandable and easy to follow. The whole bunch of course definitely makes you comfort on locators xpath and this course no where available in others expect if they copied or tweaked mine.
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