This course is free because everyone should have access to useful knowledge to improve their lives. Consider it my humble way of helping make the world a slightly better place. Taking this course also means you have a responsibility to do something positive for anyone you choose.
The Udemy course that could change your life
Are you an Excel or Power Query user but not sure how to capitalize on your skills? Tired of creating spreadsheets that lead to nowhere? Now is your chance to do something about it.
You can build Financial Systems . . . with tools like Excel and Power Query . . . and change your life.
Let me show you how it's done.
This is a career guidance conversation between friends.
Financial systems are an important and growing part of the data analytics field. They put the right financial data . . . in the right place . . . at the right time. Companies hire for this more than ever. If you embrace this path, you are opening yourself to a potential life-changing idea with excellent career prospects!
You may already have the skills but are unaware of how to use them in a better way.
Join the thousands of other students who have learned from me. You will be in very good company.
Using Excel and add-ins like Power Query to build financial systems is a growing field. You can get involved now.
Make this commitment to improve your career and your life.
Because I believe so strongly in my message and want to help you, I am making available 20 minutes of free lectures. I'll give you a new career direction if you give me a bit of your time.
4th in my series of Udemy courses on developing your skills with financial systems software
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