Working Remotely: Efficiently and Effectively

  • 4.4
  • (1,069+ reviews)


If you work from home or are about to work from home this is the course for you.

I have been working from home for almost ten years full-time.  As a management consultant I give endless thought and reflection on this topic.

I decided to boil down what I've learned about enjoying working from home while being productive.  Tips and tricks with short lectures on different topics including: TIME, DISTRACTIONS, BURN OUT, LONELINESS and MENTAL HEALTH.

I enjoy working from home and with my course, you can too.

Course Info

Created by Michael Taylor
40 minutes on-demand video
13 lectures
16,172+ students enrolled
4.4 rating from 1,069+ reviews
English language
Created on June 22, 2018
Subcategory: Personal Productivity


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