Wordpress and Beaver Builder Quick Website Design Series

  • 3.8
  • (144+ reviews)


This course is perfect if you want to learn more about web design, or you are thinking about pursuing a freelancing career, or if you currently have a website and you just want to get your head around it a little better. This course is not designed to deep-dive into each feature of WordPress - instead we cover a lot of stuff very quickly. After these 9 short videos, together we will have built a functioning website, that looks great on desktop, tablet and mobile devices - and we’re even going to add some forms which will send you an email with a message from your visitor, plus, a form which automatically adds new users to your mailing list.

Course Info

Created by Dave Spicer
57 minutes on-demand video
9 lectures
7,453+ students enrolled
3.8 rating from 144+ reviews
English language
Created on July 16, 2018
Category: Development
Subcategory: No Code Development


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