Vagrant Master Course

  • 4.1
  • (91+ reviews)


Welcome to my course on Vagrant. In the world of DevOps it is increasingly important to be able to provide large volume of machines that have identical configuration in every sense. Most of the time the source of misconfiguration comes from human errors. You find yourself in a situation when a code on an identical machine ran but it is not running on yours... After hours of troubleshooting you find that some package was on an older version that became the source of your headache. Vagrant is there for you to the rescue. This course will teach you the ins and outs of the platform and get you up to speed to ensure your next promotion or job security.

Course Info

Created by Szabó Dániel Ernő
1 hour on-demand video
8 lectures
5,876+ students enrolled
4.1 rating from 91+ reviews
English language
Created on February 19, 2019
Category: Development


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