TypeScript, Quick and Easy

  • 4.2
  • (279+ reviews)


JavaScript has moved forward in a way that not only front-end developers getting more involved with it but also, back-end developers feel using it to develop all or part of their applications is very beneficial.

While ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) has added features of modern programming languages to JavaScript, TypeScript Programming Language makes it even more productive. In fact when you develop your application in TypeScript, at the end you feel you are able to understand most of our own code!

This course is a quick and practical way to learn TypeScript and by the end of this course not only you have a good knowledge of TypeScript, but also you have a vision where JavaScript programming is going and how the architecture of JS apps is getting changed to be ready for large-scale projects.

In our journey in this course, we will learn main features of  ES6, types in TypeScript, class-based object oriented programming in ES6 and TypeScript, generics, modules and decorators.

This course can also be considered as a pre-requirement for whom planning to learn Angular 2.0 or getting ready to develop mobile apps using the new ionic framework.

Course Info

Created by Dina Esmaeili
1 hour on-demand video
38 lectures
24,123+ students enrolled
4.2 rating from 279+ reviews
English language
Created on March 14, 2017
Category: Development
Subcategory: Programming Languages


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