Time Management Mastery: 10X Your Time, Join the New Rich

  • 4.2
  • (1,002+ reviews)


Time management is essential for the growth and success of any individual. The majority of the world's billionaires or successful people have excellent time management skills. They use their limited time so productively that the rest of the population finds it hard to emulate.

Good time management skills aren't about the amount of time available to implement a task. It's about making the little time you have to be as productive as possible.

If you are desperate to improve your time management skills, you are in the right place. This course will teach you how to multiply your time through outsourcing and deep work. You'll also learn how to eliminate common obstacles like procrastination and perfectionism that only slow you down while working.

If you’ve previously tried ineffective time management courses, this offers a break from that. We'll not only teach you about time management but also about "Joining the New Rich" as well. The new rich are those who abandon the deferred-life plan and create luxury lifestyles in the present using the currency of the new rich: time & mobility. This is an art and a science that Tim Ferriss refers to as lifestyle design.

With the practical nature of this course, you’ll almost certainly improve your finances & time management skills as soon as you start implementing the lessons from the course.

Time management directly correlates with your cognitive abilities. During this course, you will be learning all that and more. Additionally, you will be exposed to secret techniques and strategies which will impact your life forever.

See you inside!

Course Info

Created by Meta Brains
1 hour on-demand video
55 lectures
80,554+ students enrolled
4.2 rating from 1,002+ reviews
English language
Created on December 08, 2021
Subcategory: Personal Productivity


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