Introduction to The Freedom Model

  • 3.7
  • (30+ reviews)


Do you want an addiction – a lifelong diagnosis –or do you want to see yourself as having a habit you can solve completely? The answer to that question tells you if The Freedom Model is the answer for you.

The Freedom Model approach with its revolutionary message and extensive research guides you on a empowering path to total FREEDOM without the limitations of treatment and/or recovery.

This short introductory course gives you a little information on our revolutionary approach. Please contact us at 888-424-2626 if you have any questions or are interested in one of our products or services.

Course Info

Created by Mark Scheeren Scheeren
30 minutes on-demand video
6 lectures
2,174+ students enrolled
3.7 rating from 30+ reviews
English language
Created on May 06, 2019
Subcategory: Other Health & Fitness


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