The Python Programmer 2025

  • 5.0
  • (46+ reviews)


Whether you're planning to work in software development, data science, data analytics, or simply want to learn programming, The Python Programmer course is designed to equip you with the expertise needed to develop Python professionally. This course is more than just theory – it's a hands-on journey through Python's core and advanced features, preparing you for real-world applications.

With 15+ chapters, you'll explore everything from basic syntax to advanced topics. You’ll solve 100 exercises, test your knowledge with 150+ MCQs,  and optionally solve 20+ coding challenges. Each chapter is packed with practical exercises, code challenges, and quizzes that will test and solidify your understanding of Python.

This course comes with customised learning journeys to help you achieve your goals efficiently. We start with programming fundamentals like data types, control flows, and data-structures, and then progress to object-oriented programming and advanced topics like decorators, generators, and concurrency. You'll also gain valuable experience by applying Python to real-world problems, ensuring you're ready for any Python-related task in your career.

Whether you want to enhance your programming skills or learn about some advanced topics in Python, I've incorporated all of my knowledge and experience into this course to ensure it provides the tools and confidence you need to succeed. I hope you enjoy this course and get the best experience out of this journey!


Course Info

Created by Shehab Abdel-Salam
8 hours on-demand video
149 lectures
2,654+ students enrolled
5.0 rating from 46+ reviews
English language
Created on August 11, 2024
Category: Development
Subcategory: Programming Languages


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