The Power of Upselling, Side-Selling and Down-Selling

  • 4.3
  • (3+ reviews)


This course is about three sales techniques that will increase profits while at the same time enhance customer experience.

They are upselling, cross-selling, and down-selling.

Upselling is when a sales person encourages their client to purchase the more expensive or premium version of the product they’ve selected. The sales person must reassure the client that by buying that upmarket product, they are getting better features and benefits that will enhance their experience with the product they just bought. The intelligent sales person is always pointing out how this is good for the customer. This process will increase the total value of the transaction for the seller, too.

Cross-selling is when a complimentary product is suggested to go along with the main purchase. For example, if a customer buys a smart phone, the sales person might suggest a protective case to go along with the phone. The idea is to give the customer peace of mind that their newly purchased product will be protected if the phone is dropped.

Down-selling is about suggesting a lower-priced option when a customer is concerned about the cost of the higher-priced item. An example would be offering last years car model instead of this years.

In all three cases, everyone is pleased. The merchant is increasing revenue while the customer genuinely feels they are getting an enhanced experience from the transaction.

The term “win-win” is often thrown around a little too loosely, but in these three styles of selling, everyone walks away with something better.

What upselling, cross selling and down selling is not is high pressure, brow beating, or bullying a customer into buying or up grading their purchase.

All customers must truly walk away feeling they made the right move for themselves while merchants upped their profits by helping their customers.

Course Info

Created by Bob Berkowitz
2 hours on-demand video
87 lectures
268+ students enrolled
4.3 rating from 3+ reviews
English language
Created on September 04, 2024
Category: Marketing
Subcategory: Content Marketing


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