Global Revolution & the Healing of Love

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This short course from the Tamera community allows you to explore the inner system change in community, love and sexuality, and offers an introduction to our vision of “Terra Nova” – a world in which love can naturally be free of fear. This is a shortened version of our full course "Global Revolution & the Healing of Love," available via our website for a facilitated month-long journey once or twice a year.

In this taster course, we will look at why working on a holistic new model for love is not just a personal topic but a political one – how the ability to love is the fuel for a deep form of activism, and how love requires a whole new culture to blossom and endure.

Join us for an interactive learning adventure, drawing on our research experience in the following fields:

  • Community Building: A necessary basis for healing love

  • Free Sexuality and Partnership: Complementary, not contradictory

  • Freeing Love from Fear: A key element in system change

  • Reuniting Religion and Eros: Redefining the sacred

The course incorporates study material and videos of interviews from Tamera's Global Love School. Through study, you’ll be guided to find – or deepen – your role in the revolution of love.


Dara Silverman – Tamera Love School (course host)

Martin Winiecki – Institute for Global Peacework (Tamera)

Sabine Lichtenfels - Co-founder, spiritual teacher & leader of Global Love School

Dieter Duhm - Co-founder, visionary, artist and writer

Vera Kleinhammes - Head of the Global Campus and community builder

Benjamin von Mendelssohn - Global Networker, director of the Grace Foundation

What is Tamera?

Started in 1978 with a small group, Tamera is a community of around 200 people located in southern Portugal, working towards autonomous decentralized models for a post-capitalist world, with those who share our vision of Terra Nova.

We believe in a future without war, in love without fear, and work to build Terra Nova by creating Healing Biotopes as centers to research and model a new planetary culture, with strong ethical foundations.

What is a Healing Biotope?

The word “biotope” comes from the Greek “bio” (life) and “topos” (place). It’s a habitat where all life forms – humans, animals, plants, waters and other beings – co-exist in united diversity.

The origins of the words “healing,” “wholeness” and “holy” are the same. To heal doesn’t mean to fix an illness or problem, but to overcome separation and restore the wholeness of life.

Healing Biotopes are experimental research and learning centers that model a new culture where these two worlds have come together. When we align with the universal patterns of life, healing happens “by itself.” We see this in nature, for example when healing plants spring up where earth is broken in mines and quarries, or when wounds heal in our own bodies.

Healing Biotopes establish a social, ecological and economic framework that allows life’s self-healing powers to unfold and shape human culture. Cooperation and trust are fundamental. Ultimately, a Healing Biotope is a place where all beings live together in full cooperation and unreserved trust.

Healing Biotopes are futuristic centers for humanity to see and embody a new vision for inhabiting this planet. Through lived examples they demonstrate how decentralized, autonomous communities can emerge around the world as the foundation for a new planetary culture.

Like all living organisms, Healing Biotopes are open systems, responding to the needs of and integrating knowledge from the region and the world around them. So they always keep evolving.

What is the Plan?

The Healing Biotopes Plan, formulated by Dieter Duhm, emerged from decades of research perceiving life’s potential for healing and regeneration. The “plan” is to concretely build these centers around the world. To do this, every aspect of our lives must shift from fear to trust.

Key research areas include:

  • building community

  • healing sex, love and partnership

  • self-change and healing our consciousness

  • raising children

  • cooperation with animals and all beings

  • restoring nature

  • regenerative decentralized autonomy in water, energy and food

  • new economics.

Healing Biotopes synthesize different solutions in all these areas into a coherent system. What brings about global change isn’t a single solution, person or project, but an integrated unified system.


Bringing about system change in love and sexuality is essential to our peacework and for building Terra Nova. Sexuality is a sacred life force and healing takes place when we can accept and express it without lies and shame. In a community with strong ethical guidelines, exclusiveness, jealousy and fear are replaced with mutual support and trust. We run Love School to study what makes love last and build trust in community, allowing the universal energy of Eros to connect us with each other, the Earth and all life.

“There can’t be peace on Earth as long as there’s war in love. Humanity has wrongly organized love, locked it into narrow cages of possession and fear, which is why it so often turns into anger and hatred. The global epidemics of violence ravaging this planet result from a culture that has inhibited love. The healing of love isn’t a private, but a political issue of the highest priority. We must find a new concept for love if we want decent survival on Earth.”


What We’ve Learned

  • Healing love and sexuality means freeing them from fear. After thousands of years of patriarchal violence against the feminine, Eros and the flesh, we all carry a collective trauma within us. The pain we individually face in sexuality and love results from this deep-rooted historical fear.

  • Love is a state of being that can’t be possessed or regulated by laws. To build lasting loving relationships, we need a different image of love, no longer based on exclusiveness, jealousy and fear, but on mutual support and trust in community.

  • By demonizing sexuality, the patriarchy has set it in opposition to love. But sexuality is a sacred life force that gives us insight and healing through the blissful, unifying act of sex. Violence isn’t part of sexuality’s actual nature, it’s a result of it being suppressed. After thousands of years of violence and denial, liberating sexuality from fear and misuse may be the deepest step of healing we can currently enact.

  • Building communities of trust is fundamental to healing our collective wound. Offering spaces of transparency and solidarity, community allows lovers to encounter each other in truth and so develop trust.

  • Strong ethical guidelines are needed when building communities of trust. For the healing of love to happen and to create trust among one another, we need to free our social structures from all reasons for lying and deceit.

  • Jealousy doesn’t belong to love. There is unfortunately no pill for jealousy, but the more trust grows among people, the less space there is for separation anxiety and jealousy. This is a basic experience in a functioning community.

  • Free sexuality and partnership are complementary, not contradictory.

  • Ultimately, the healing of love goes beyond the social realm alone. It’s a path of reconnecting with the world that has created us, realizing our universal nature and taking a stand for life.

Course Info

Created by Tamera Peace Research & Education Center
37 minutes on-demand video
7 lectures
277+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on October 19, 2022
Category: Lifestyle
Subcategory: Other Lifestyle


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