SQL Foundations

  • 4.4
  • (1,515+ reviews)


SQL is an integral part of majority of software projects and is important for you to gain familiarity with the language if you are an IT aspirant. 

This course covers the topics related to database design and query design, and helps you assimilate the topics in a way that you should be able to understand and design the schema. 

It covers the most essential features of the language and explains them through simplified and easy to understand examples. Includes DDL, DML and Query commands along with hints about the other essential features.  Core focus will be on table design and explaining the features such as query and joins with their mathematical approach so that you can effectively design complex queries.

It includes SQL scripts related to the lectures under the resources section which are intended to help students expedite the learning by means of executing the same scripts taught in the video.

Course Info

Created by Sagar Uppuluri
3 hours on-demand video
59 lectures
37,452+ students enrolled
4.4 rating from 1,515+ reviews
English language
Created on October 05, 2016
Category: Development


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