20+ Spring and Spring Boot Annotations- Free Course [2023]

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In this course, I will cover the following 20+ spring and spring boot annotations with line-by-line coding in IntelliJ IDEA. We gonna use the latest version of Spring Boot 3 and Java 17.

These 20+ annotations are frequently asked in interviews for beginners so I highly recommend going through these annotations before an interview.

Spring and Spring Boot Annotations:

@Component Annotation

@Autowired Annotation

@Qualifier Annotation

@Primary Annotation


@Bean and @Configuration Annotations

@Controller, @Service and @Repository

@Lazy Annotation

@Scope Annotation

@Value Annotation

@PropertySource and PropertySources Annotations

@ConfigurationProperties Annotation

@Controller and @ResponseBody Annotations

@RestController Annotation

@RequestMapping Annotation

@GetMapping Annotation

@PostMapping and @RequestBody Annotations

@PutMapping Annotation

@DeleteMapping Annotation

@PathVariable Annotation

@RequestParam Annotation

What is Spring Framework?

Spring Framework is a popular open-source Java-based application framework that provides a comprehensive infrastructure for developing Java applications. It was initially created to simplify the development of enterprise applications, but it has since expanded to become a general-purpose framework for developing any kind of Java application.

What is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is basically an extension of the Spring framework which eliminated the boilerplate configurations required for setting up a Spring application.

Spring Boot is an opinionated framework that helps developers build Spring-based applications quickly and easily. The main goal of Spring Boot is to quickly create Spring-based applications without requiring developers to write the same boilerplate configuration again and again.

Tools and technologies used:

- Spring Boot 3

- Java 17 or later

- IntelliJ IDEA

- Maven

- Postman

Course Info

Created by Ramesh Fadatare (Java Guides)
2 hours on-demand video
17 lectures
230+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on April 25, 2023
Category: Development
Subcategory: Web Development


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