Speak Up Confidently at Meetings: Workplace Communication

  • 4.5
  • (1+ reviews)


When we don't speak up in meetings, we may miss out on opportunities to contribute to the discussion or influence the outcome of the meeting. Here are some potential consequences of not speaking up in meetings:

  1. Your ideas or opinions may not be heard: If you don't speak up, others may not be aware of your ideas or opinions, which could be valuable to the discussion.

  2. You may miss opportunities to learn: Meetings can be a great opportunity to learn from others and gain insights into different perspectives. By not participating, you may miss out on valuable insights and learning opportunities.

  3. You may be seen as disengaged: If you don't speak up in meetings, others may assume that you are not interested or engaged in the discussion, which could impact your reputation.

  4. Decisions may be made without your input: If you don't speak up, decisions may be made without your input or consideration of your ideas, which could impact the outcome of the meeting.

Overall, not speaking up in meetings can limit your ability to contribute to the discussion, influence decisions, and learn from others. It's important to find ways to participate and share your ideas, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

So let's embark on this journey of personal growth by becoming an effective communicator so that you can build your leadership brand, increase visibility, and amplify influence.

Course Info

Created by Kiran deep Sandhu
39 minutes on-demand video
16 lectures
554+ students enrolled
4.5 rating from 1+ reviews
English language
Created on April 03, 2023


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