speak in spanish (short lesson)

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Learn to answer simple everyday questions

Spanish Demo Class

Spanish course from scratch soon on my profile.

  • verbs to be and to be

    verbs in present

    reflexive verbs

    there and be

    the questions

    the possessives

    like and dislike

    irregular verbs in present

    irregular reflexive verbs

    describe images

Any question write me

This free course consists of a basic class to enter the language, for this you must already know how to read. Upon completion of my course you will be able to hold a basic conversation and ask questions completely in Spanish.

I have a degree in elementary education and more than 3 years of experience teaching Spanish online.

I also study languages ​​so I can understand your difficulties and needs.

Aprende a responder preguntas simples del día a día

Clase Demo de Español

Curso de español desde cero pronto en mi perfil.

Cualquier pregunta escríbeme

  • verbos ser y estar

  • verbos en presente

  • verbos reflexivos

  • hay y estar

  • las preguntas

  • los posesivos

  • querer y no gustar

  • verbos irregulares en presente

  • verbos reflexivos irregulares

  • describir imágenes

Este curso gratuito consta de una clase básica para entrar en el idioma, para ello ya debes saber cómo leer. Una vez completado mi curso serás capaz de mantener una conversación básica y hacer preguntas completamente en español.

Tengo un grado en educación primaria y más de 3 años de experiencia enseñando español de manera online.

Además estudio idiomas por lo que puedo entender tus dificultades y necesidades.

Course Info

Created by Anabel Bonet
47 minutes on-demand video
7 lectures
15+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
Spanish language
Created on April 05, 2023
Subcategory: Language Learning


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    Coupons are issued by instructors to promote their courses, gain traction and reach momentum. The instructor can choose to emit discounted (ex: $11.99 coupon) or 100% off coupon (you pay nothing). Each coupon becomes expired when emitted quota is over (1000 enrollments) OR expiration date has been reach (5 days).

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