Sikh way of life board game to help develop awareness:

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Naam Nidhaan Board Game Course

Have you thought about playing a game to learn and share the knowledge you have learned about the Sikh way of life with others?

This course will explain and give you the files needed to play a boardgame that will give you the opportunity to not only share your ideas but to also learn along with others and see how you have grown in understanding over time.

You can also tell stories and give examples to help further the understanding of the concepts in this game such as Seva, Gurbani, Ego, Sharing, The Company we keep, Greed, Simran, Discussion, Studying, Praying, Kirtan, Exercise, Love, Meditation.

The intention of this course is to share how to

  • Play Naam Nidhaan to enable players to not only share their knowledge but to also see their growth in understanding over time by using Popplet (a tool to create a visual representation of the ideas mentioned by the players)

  • Search for lines of Gurbani using Sikhitothemax to support the game play

My hope is that you will be able to help each other to learn and gain an increase of awareness of the Sikh Way of Life

The course lessons will include the files needed to play this game, I hope you have fun and enjoy the journey

Course Info

Created by Yadvinder Singh
33 minutes on-demand video
8 lectures
107+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on March 23, 2023


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