This course covers different topics of Semantics, including:
-Learning about Definitions of semantics in Linguistics
-Differentiating Utterances, sentences, and propositions + Test
-Defining and giving examples about Sense and Reference
-Mastering different notions of Sense relations + Test
-Learning about the Seven Types of Meaning (Leech)
About the tutorials:
These tutorial videos are supposed to aid you with your courses of linguistics, specifically Semantics.
The first video introduces different denitions of Semantics according to different scholars.
The second video speaks about the notion of utternace, sentence and proposition. They are clearly differentiated with many good expamles and simple rules. This tutorial is also boosted by a test to make you grasp and understand more effectiently.
The third lesson is named as sense and reference. Here, things are clearly differentiated since it is so crucial to be able to recognise these two concepts, sense and reference. It also comes with a lot of examples to make it easy for you to tell the difference between the two and to be able to use them for your test.
Lesson number four includes something very important in Semantics which is sense relations. In Semantics, there are many different types sense relations, namely ambiguity, polysymy, antonomy, name but a few. This tutorial covers the most usable ones in semantics just for you to pass your exams more effectiently. It also comes with a supportive test.
Last but not least, the seven types of meaning by the scholar Leech are introduced as well in details with an immense number of example.
See you in my course!
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