Secrets of Spiritual Enlightenment

  • 4.6
  • (89+ reviews)


Do you ever wonder, whether spiritual enlightenment is possible for you, or it's the privilege of a lucky few? In this free course, I'll show you that enlightenment is not a question of luck, destiny or effort.

Many spiritual teachers will tell you that you are already enlightened, so you don't have to do anything. But then, why don't you experience it? Because they are seeing things from their perspective, and not yours.

In this free course, I will reveal the #1 secret to spiritual enlightenment, the 3 myths about it, and some of the objections you may have towards it. In the bonus lesson, I'll even show you the #1 obstacle that prevents you from enlightenment.

Are you ready?

Course Info

Created by Gabriel Dee
34 minutes on-demand video
8 lectures
3,394+ students enrolled
4.6 rating from 89+ reviews
English language
Created on June 18, 2019


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