RESTful Web Services with Spring Framework - A quick start

  • 4.5
  • (3,612+ reviews)


This video course is a Quick Start to learning How to Build RESTful Web Services with Spring Framework.

As you go through this video course you will learn how to use tools like:

  • Spring Tool Suite Development Environment,

  • Postman HTTP client, so that you can send HTTP Requests and Receive HTTP Responses,

  • You will also learn how to Download and Install Java if you do not have it already.

Although this video course is very short, and is very simple, it is also very practical!

  • You will write Java code that handles different types of HTTP Requests. You will learn how to create web service endpoints that accept HTTP Post, HTTP GET, HTTP PUT and HTTP Delete requests.

  • You will learn how to make your RESTful Web Service endpoints accept information via URL Query String parameters, via URL Path Parameters as well as information sent via the body of HTTP Request,

  • Additionally to learning how to read request parameters from HTTP request, you will learn how to make your RESTful Web Service, return information in different formats. For example, you will learn how to return information as a plain text or as a JSON or XML document.

  • You will learn how to validate HTTP request parameters and also how to validate a information sent via HTTP Request body. Make sure that certain required fields are not empty and that email address for example is of a correct format.

  • You will learn how to handle errors in your RESTful Web Service and also learn how to return information about the error in different custom formats.

  • And finally, additionally to building and running your RESTful Web Service with a Spring Tool Suite development environment, you will learn how to run your RESTful Web Service as a standalone Java application which runs independently of your development environment.

Course Info

Created by Sergey Kargopolov
2 hours on-demand video
35 lectures
46,891+ students enrolled
4.5 rating from 3,612+ reviews
English language
Created on September 13, 2018
Category: Development
Subcategory: Software Engineering


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