Reading the Akashic Records

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Feel like you don’t find the answers you are looking for?

Are you having trouble following meditations?

Feel like you are not living to your full potential?

Sometimes we have questions like:

Where do I come from? Or

what am I to do in this situation? Or

why did this happened?

Well, I felt that way.

I had all the intentions to move forward, but I kept battling with myself and my own story.

It wasn’t ultil I learned how to read the akashic records that I discovered I beam of light that would illuminate my path on demand like nothing else.

Suddenly I discovered a method to feel genuine peace, love and wisdom wherever I was.

Unlike any thing else I have experience before.

So, in this course, you will learn how to read the Akashic Records so that you find the answers to the questions you have about yourself, your life, and even past lives.

You will learn an easy-to-follow meditation technique that will help you find balance and peace.

You will learn the 3-Step formula to heal yourself and others so that you begin to live to your fullest potential.

After taking this course you will have the tools you need to overcome any blockages that you may have.

You will learn to use these tools to live a better happier life.

I have used these tools to do just that in my life.

So, get ready and join this course now.

Course Info

Created by Alex Sada
2 hours on-demand video
16 lectures
217+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on September 01, 2022
Category: Lifestyle
Subcategory: Esoteric Practices


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