Would you like to tell personal stories that impact and engage any audience?
How would you like to use your own PERSONAL STORIES to leave a lasting impression with any kind of group?
You don't have to be a TED Talks speaker to benefit from the practical, action-ready lessons in this course.
All you need is a willingness to develop your own personal stories.
I have been a classroom teacher for 13 years, and I've spoken to groups of 10's and groups of 1000's, and one thing that I've learned through all of my experience is:
Audiences connect better to personal stories.
Studies of the brain show that personal storytelling engages an audience significantly more than just communicating facts and statistics.
In this course, I will show you the SIMPLE ACTIONS you need to take to make your own personal stories more engaging, more intriguing, and more memorable.
In this course you will:
* Understand the dramatic affect that storytelling has on public speaking
* 5 things to consider before crafting your personal stories
* 5 steps to writing an engaging personal story
* How to use your stories in a speech
All in all, this course will give you the tools to develop great personal stories and the understanding of how to incorporate them into any speech.
ENROLL TODAY, and get the benefit of Udemy's 100%, 30-day Money-back Guarantee!
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