Power BI for Kids

  • 5.0
  • (3+ reviews)


Welcome to "Power BI for Kids," a course designed to introduce young learners to the world of business intelligence. In this course, kids will learn the fundamentals of business intelligence and gain valuable skills using a powerful data visualisation tool, Power BI.

Throughout the course, kids will be guided through the process of building their own dashboard, starting with an overview of Power BI's user interface and working their way up to creating charts and graphs to represent data. Along the way, kids will learn how to import and manipulate data and use layout and formatting options to create a professional-looking final product.

Whether your child is interested in pursuing a career in business intelligence or simply wants to gain valuable skills for their future, this course is the perfect starting point. By the end of the course, kids will have a solid foundation in business intelligence and the skills they need to continue exploring the exciting world of data visualization.

Learning Outcomes

1. Understand the basics of business intelligence and how it is used to make data-driven decisions.

2. Gain hands-on experience using Power BI to import, manipulate, and visualize data.

3. Learn how to create professional-looking dashboards and reports using Power BI's layout and formatting options.

4. Understand how to connect Power BI to different data sources and extract relevant data for analysis.

5. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills by working through real-world data scenarios.

6. Build confidence in working with data and visualizing insights.

7. Understand how to apply their knowledge of business intelligence in their personal and professional lives.

This is the first edition of the course, and we plan to release more levels in the future to explore the complex functionalities of Power BI

Course Info

Created by Meu Labs
1 hour on-demand video
29 lectures
1,009+ students enrolled
5.0 rating from 3+ reviews
English language
Created on December 25, 2022
Category: Business


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