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This is what you will learn
The course is about finding your own photo style and get knowledge about classic and modern photo methods.
You will create your own amazing portraits that you can use for your social medias.
This is for beginners as well as for advanced photographers.
Have you ever been in the situation, where you wanted to make unique outstanding photos,
but when you finished the photo project, then it turned out differently than you expected.
My suggestion is to learn to connect with your creative mind in a conscious way.
Then you will have more control of your creative output.
You will discover my method step by step
In this course, you will learn to create classic and modern photography. You will get introduced to art and the photography history, to develop your awareness of different historical photo styles, like for instance the renaissance and the surrealism period.
You will work with innovation, develop your own photo concept,. Step by step you will hands on make your own idea project.
You will also learn about portrait instruction, mixed lightning, different photo techniques, digital editing methods with apps.
Organize plan, prepare for shooting, and finally digital post production.
You will at the end of course have fun making your own personal photo project with lightning.
I want to empower you to find your personal portrait style and activate your photovoice.
My photo method will take you to the next level finding inspiration and information.
What's in it for you?
You can use my course for: education, business, research, fun, entertainment,
personal development, inspiration, hobby, and so on.
When the course is finished you will be able to unlock your creative potential and realize your creative ideas.
You can get help and support from my Facebooks social group.
Hope to see you at my course, thank you!
And remember to “enjoy yourself”.
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