Podcast Crash Course

  • 4.5
  • (90+ reviews)


Podcasting is hot right now and is being used as a valuable tool by businesses, influencers, hobbyists and even celebrities.

Podcasting is a great way to develop your skills and improve your public relations.

Businesses are using podcasts to sell their products and keep their customers informed of the companies aims, ideals and goals. Individuals are using podcasts to tell their stories, share their knowledge and expand their influence.

Podcasts can also be turned into a profitable entity as you grow and adapt it. The ability to monetise, advertise, crowdfund and sell merchandise can lead to you earning a lot of money if you do it the right way. There really is no better time than right now to start podcasting.

Everyone needs to start somewhere though and the prospect of starting a podcast with no real idea of what to do can be daunting. This course will teach you about coming up with an idea, buying the right equipment, recording and editing with ease, where to host and how to distribute your podcast as well as teaching you handy promotion skills along the way.

Course Info

Created by James Mulvany
34 minutes on-demand video
5 lectures
4,857+ students enrolled
4.5 rating from 90+ reviews
English language
Created on June 05, 2019
Subcategory: Influence


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