Playing Piano: Warm Up Exercises

  • 3.9
  • (274+ reviews)


Are you struggling with lack of sound control and tension when you play piano?

Do you want to have a good hand position and you do not know wher to begin?

This course will teach you how to develop an easy to follow routine. Learn these 6 exercises that are part of a 7-10 min routine and include it in your regular practice.

This course is so specific in order to help you achieve it´s main purpose that is improve your piano playing through an excellent position.

Through 100% practical videos, no theory you can start improving your position today.

Join this course!!

Course Info

Created by Ilse Lozoya
42 minutes on-demand video
12 lectures
13,870+ students enrolled
3.9 rating from 274+ reviews
English language
Created on April 22, 2016
Category: Music
Subcategory: Instruments


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