Are you as fired up as I am? Do you want to build something awesome? Something amazing? Are you a web developer who wants a cool job? If so, then this course is for you. In this course, you will learn how to build a complete booking system from the ground up in a few hours. I already made sure that every part of this course is concise, elegant, and informative, so don't miss out on this cool opportunity. I also included the files needed in different parts of the course for you to follow along with me step by step.
Here is what you are going to learn, first of all, I am going to introduce you to the tools that we are going to be using in this course. And then we are going to build a full authentication system from scratch. While building this system I am going to introduce you to hashing and dehashing passwords. And then, we are going to build general and cool features inside our own app. It's going to be mainly on selecting and placing data. The next step is showing how a booking system is created professionally and then we are going to move to one of the most crucial things in this course and that's Processing the payment with Paypal in the easiest yet most efficient way possible. And then, we are going to build a search form to search for booking deals with multiple inputs. After this, we are going to move to the next part and that's the admin panel. In the admin panel, we are going to finish up every part of our website. We are going to complete the admins, countries, cities, and book parts. So it's going to be fun!! Of course, there is a lot to talk about, but this is just a short description of the course. So if you like it, what are waiting for? Get it now!!
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