Pharmacological Management of Diabetes Mellitus From A to Z

  • 4.8
  • (3+ reviews)


This course is about diabetes mellitus risk factors, classification, clinical presentation, diagnostic tests, therapy goals, and the pharmacological and nonpharmacological options available to treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Exclusively, you will learn how to give the patients self-management education support. Pharmacotherapy of type 1 and type 2 DM, insulin types, and all the treatment strategies and their mechanism of action are included in this course. The lectures are mixed with written animated text. PowerPoint slides are available as well at the end of every lesson. In the fourth section, there are review questions and the answers will be on the PowerPoint slide, a case study with the answer will be in the fourth section as well.

Section 1 contains an introduction to diabetes mellitus and the diagnostic tests with the glycemic goals according to the American Diabetes Association. Glycemic goals of therapy are very crucial for the management of DM, and educating the patients about these goals is important as well.

Section 2 involves the pharmacological management of diabetes mellitus; insulin, insulin secretagogues, insulin sensitizers, and the pharmacotherapy of both type 1 and type 2 DM are explained in this section.

Section 3 contains a diabetes self-management education support program by the American Diabetes Association.

While the last section consists of review questions and a case study.

Course Info

Created by Zainab Ali Mohamud Sabrie
33 minutes on-demand video
10 lectures
172+ students enrolled
4.8 rating from 3+ reviews
English language
Created on July 16, 2022
Subcategory: Science


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