Parts of Speech

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Just as any magnificent building needs to be built on a sturdy foundation, so does magnificent learning. The foundations of good grammar and an expansive vocabulary require understanding how words work and the categories to which they belong. Whether you speak more than one language or only English, strengthening your understanding of the parts of speech in English allows you to build your own sturdy foundation for improving both your grammar and vocabulary.

When learning grammar, it is best to find a balance between strict adherence to the rules and using the language to freely communicate your information and ideas. Worrying too much about the rules can make your speech and writing formal and dry. Whereas, not worrying about the rules at all can make your communication difficult to follow and confusing. This course strives to explain the most important concepts and rules required for good communication, yet it aims to avoid overly explaining rules that can be less important or confusing.

Parts of Speech the Foundation of Good Grammar covers the eight parts of speech and explains what is important to know about each in order to improve your grammar and communicate clearly and concisely. It then covers some practical applications to help you use your new knowledge to improve your English and your learning.

Knowledge is power. Don’t wait any longer to obtain this powerful knowledge!


Course Info

Created by Stacey Hernberg
32 minutes on-demand video
18 lectures
480+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on September 20, 2022
Subcategory: Language Learning


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