Master Course in Montessori Teacher Training 2.0

  • 4.3
  • (115+ reviews)


Master course in Montessori  Education and Montessori teacher training 2.0

There are a lot of parents who come to proper education because they hear about their Montessori program. Students have heard it inspires them to become passionate, lifelong learners—and that it's completely different from traditional education.

An Italian doctor named Maria Montessori revolutionized education a little over 100 years ago.

A Montessori education emphasizes independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child's natural psychological, physical, and social development.

As a Montessori educator, you believe that every child has immense potential, wants to learn, and wants to be busy. Teacher needs to use materials that are tailored to each child's pace and needs so they can learn.

How does Montessori education work?

Montessori focuses on empowering children to drive their own learning, unlike traditional teacher-centered education. They guide the students and provide help, but they also encourage them to choose their own challenges.

Children who go to Montessori schools learn how to cooperate, follow rules, and think about how their actions affect others. Because of their love of learning and natural curiosity, students retain their creativity and push themselves to excel. In addition to standard school subjects, Montessori kids learn how to fit a bigger worldview into their thinking and how to be curious and creative.

The 5 main topics I want to cover in this master's course are:

1. Introduction of Montessori education and Montessori teacher training 2.0

2. Main purpose of Montessori? Montessori Method and curriculum of teaching?

3. Principles of Montessori teaching, skills and techniques

4. Montessori teacher attitude, benefits and career objective

5. how to become a Montessori teacher?

Course Info

Created by Dr. José Prabhu J
53 minutes on-demand video
5 lectures
7,272+ students enrolled
4.3 rating from 115+ reviews
English language
Created on May 20, 2023
Subcategory: Teacher Training


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