Mobile Cybersecurity Awareness

  • 4.1
  • (1,257+ reviews)


In a world where smartphones store gigabytes or personally identifiable information, human error remains the single biggest threat to the security of your information.

Not taking the cybersecurity precautions covered in this course when you use a smartphone has become riskier than ever.

While no one is 100% secure against a mobile attack, there’s a lot you can do to discourage thieves and hackers from targeting you, your family, friends or colleagues.

All it takes is one wrong click for you to become a victim of identity theft, fraud or a data breach. If your kids, loved ones or coworkers use your mobile device, this course is for them too.

Course Info

Created by Eric Schwartzman
38 minutes on-demand video
11 lectures
28,280+ students enrolled
4.1 rating from 1,257+ reviews
English language
Created on January 04, 2015
Category: Business
Subcategory: Human Resources


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