Online Course Creation - Master Promotional Emails - LITE

  • 4.3
  • (108+ reviews)


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FULL Disclosure: This is a LITE version of my Promotional Announcement Emails course that is being published shortly on Udemy.  Content in this course will be repeated in that course.

Online Course Creation includes a CRITICAL SKILL - writing and sending effective, HIGH CONVERTING Promotional Announcement Emails.

If cross selling your courses to existing students is one of the BEST WAYS TO MONETISE your courses - and get 97% of the proceeds - why are more instructors not focusing on sending better promotions to their students?

Do you want to sell more of your courses to more of your students?  

Of course you do! 

So, I urge you to read on, your Promotional Announcements will never be the same again!

With nearly five years experience on Udemy and having created over 40 Courses (not all are live as I write), I have been striving to improve my Udemy Promotional Announcement Emails constantly.  

By applying my Copywriting expertise to the challenge and studying over 2,000 emails I have received from other instructors, I have found that it is possible to create Promotional Announcements that engage and entertain as well as sell!

In this Course, I have distilled my Email Marketing experience of Udemy Promotional Email Announcements to share with you the skills and knowledge you need to make huge improvements to your Promotional Announcements. 

This is how I have converted literally thousands of sales of my courses using my Coupon Code and gaining the 97% Revenue share!  

And you can too!

In this Course you will discover:

  • The Basic Structure of an effective Promotional Email Announcement
  • Discover a Promotional Email Marketing Template from one of the most successful instructors
  • Copywriting and Content Writing skills to help you to create high converting Titles for your Email Marketing
  • Creative Use of Images in Your Promotional Announcements
  • Answers to a critical Email Marketing question relating to Udemy Course Promotion
  • How do find out how effective your Promotional Email Marketing of your Udemy Courses really is

Imagine if your Promotional Announcements could be twice as effective as they are now? 

What impact would that have on your Sales?

Of course, you could just stick with the same old emails you have always sent out…and be in the same stagnant place in a years time that you are now.  Or you could take action today and transform your Promotional Announcements into something truly spectacular!

Check out this FREE Course Now

Enroll Today!

Best regards


Course Info

Created by John Colley MBA, MA(Cantab)
39 minutes on-demand video
10 lectures
8,263+ students enrolled
4.3 rating from 108+ reviews
English language
Created on March 21, 2018
Subcategory: Online Education


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long is a coupon valid?

    Coupons are issued by instructors to promote their courses, gain traction and reach momentum. The instructor can choose to emit discounted (ex: $11.99 coupon) or 100% off coupon (you pay nothing). Each coupon becomes expired when emitted quota is over (1000 enrollments) OR expiration date has been reach (5 days).

  • What is this "1000 enrollments" from Udemy?
  • Could you please help me to find a coupon for this course?
  • What is exactly your relationship with Udemy?

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