Executive Diploma in Marketing Management

  • 4.2
  • (436+ reviews)


What you'll learn

  • Whats is Marketing Management nowadays

  • The theory of Marketing Management

  • Principles of marketing management effectiveness

  • Target market analysis

  • Segmentation and positioning

  • Development of a marketing package

  • Pricing

  • Distribution and promotion

  • Marketing Management and Сontrol

Course provided by MTF Institute of Management, Technology and Finance

MTF is the global educational and research institute with HQ at Lisbon, Portugal, focused on business & professional hybrid (on-campus and online) education at areas: Business & Administration, Science & Technology, Banking & Finance.

MTF R&D center focused on research activities at areas: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Big Data, WEB3, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Digital Assets, Metaverses, Digital Transformation, Fintech, Electronic Commerce, Internet of Things.

MTF is the official partner of: IBM, Intel, Microsoft, member of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

MTF is present in 208 countries and has been chosen by more than 380,000 students.

Course Plan:

1. Introduction to Marketing Management

2. Principles of marketing management effectiveness

3. Target market analysis

4. Segmentation and positioning

5. Development of a marketing package

6. Pricing

7. Distribution and promotion

8. Marketing Management and Сontrol

Course Instructor: Zhansaya Berdikulova,

Regional Coordinator of the leadership development project in schools of Kazakhstan,
certified coach, leadership development coach

Master of Economic Sciences of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University

A little about me:

My name is Zhansaya, but for you I'm just Saya

For the last 10 years, I have been teaching adults and children leadership, communication, conflict management, decision-making, planning - all the flexible skills necessary for life and work.

In addition, I teach trainers and teachers who further transfer this knowledge and skills. Higher economic education in the field of management and marketing helps me to lead leadership not only as a life skill, but also as a professional for becoming top managers and managers.

I wish you new knowledge and hope that the course will be useful and effective for you!

Let's get started!

Linked Topics:

  • Marketing Fundamentals

  • Management Fundamentals

  • Business Fundamentals

Course Info

Created by MTF Institute of Management, Technology and Finance
1 hour on-demand video
14 lectures
27,665+ students enrolled
4.2 rating from 436+ reviews
English language
Created on March 09, 2023
Category: Marketing
Subcategory: Marketing Fundamentals


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