Does your sales team not see the value in content? Do they think you’re wasting time? Are your sales not improving even though you’re publishing article after article, video after video? Assignment Selling might be the missing piece of your inbound marketing puzzle.
When implemented, Assignment Selling, one of the fundamental pieces of They Ask, You Answer, puts the content you create into the hands of your sales team to help them address prospect questions, objections, and concerns head-on and close deals faster.
For your business, it can lead to:
Better informed leads: Because leads are being showed exactly what content to consume for their needs, assignment selling allows them to be better informed about your business, service, and what using it entails.
More effective sales conversations: Since leads are better informed, sales conversations can focus on the prospect's specific needs and issues. There's little need to go over general background information as that was covered by content shared earlier.
Faster sales process: Less time spent on educating means the sales process can move along more quickly. In other words, deals can close faster — while leads that aren't a good fit can be disqualified faster.
We have helped hundreds of businesses across multiple industries improve their sales processes using Assignment Selling, and in this course, Marcus Sheridan teaches you everything you need to know to make it a success at your organization.
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