Life Coaching 101: Complete Guide to Becoming a Life Coach

  • 4.4
  • (1,389+ reviews)



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Do you want to make a difference and make money doing it?

Have you been dreaming of or considering becoming a life coach?

Are you a life coach that’s just getting started?

Then we invite you to learn more about the field of life coaching, the secrets to creating a thriving life coaching business, and whether becoming a life coach a good fit for you!

It’s a great time to become a life coach—life coaching is a $2 billion industry and one of the fastest growing industries in the world!

The best thing about life coaching is that anyone can be a coach! You can coach clients on any topic that you love or any experience that you have, whether it’s to help them:

  • Improve a skill

  • Achieve their goals

  • Find more meaning and purpose in life

  • Overcome challenges

  • Find true happiness

  • Get healthy

  • Feel more confident

  • Advance their career

  • Start a business

  • Any other way you feel inspired to help someone transform their lives!

This course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to feel confident becoming a life coach and create a thriving life coaching business!

  • You’ll learn what a life coach is and why people need one.

  • You’ll learn about the future of the life coaching industry in the new economy that will exist due to automation and industry disruption.

  • You’ll learn the truth about life qualifications, including how life coach accreditation and certification really work.

  • You’ll learn the difference between life coaching and therapy and the ethics and boundaries of life coaching.

  • You’ll explore the similarities and differences between life coaching and consulting, as well as the popular hybrid of the two, referred to as NICHE LIFE COACHING (and why it’s the #1 key to success).

  • You’ll learn the 4 KEYS to becoming a successful life coach.

  • You’ll explore the most popular life coaching tools called the Wheel of Life.

Plus, we want to make sure that your business thrives, too. And, so the course also includes strategies for growing your coaching business.

You’ll learn the 3 secrets to attracting your ideal clients and how to avoid the 3 biggest mistakes most life coaches make.

AND you’ll learn the top 3 marketing strategies that ACTUALLY work for life coaches (and, they’re all free!).

Copyright ©️ Transformation Services, Inc. | All Rights Reserved

Course Info

Created by Joeel & Natalie Rivera
1 hour on-demand video
12 lectures
25,156+ students enrolled
4.4 rating from 1,389+ reviews
English language
Created on June 04, 2019


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