Learning The Fundamentals Of Speed Reading

  • 3.6
  • (76+ reviews)


This is a course made for all students who want to learn how to read faster, comprehension faster, and learn better. The course is made out of separate lectures that you need to go through to learn everything.

Reading is very important and speed reading is even more important! Get ready to start learning

Course Info

Created by Lurnus Academy
35 minutes on-demand video
15 lectures
3,000+ students enrolled
3.6 rating from 76+ reviews
English language
Created on August 08, 2019
Subcategory: Memory & Study Skills


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    Coupons are issued by instructors to promote their courses, gain traction and reach momentum. The instructor can choose to emit discounted (ex: $11.99 coupon) or 100% off coupon (you pay nothing). Each coupon becomes expired when emitted quota is over (1000 enrollments) OR expiration date has been reach (5 days).

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