Hello Dear Sir/Madam
Moroccan Arabic or DARIJA is a spoken language in Morocco and I made this course to help the people around the world to learn the basics vocabulary and the sentences in the moroccan arabic .
you will learn how to introduce yourself and also you will learn the days of the week in the moroccan darija .
you will learn how to pronounce the vocabulary and the sentences correctly .
You will memorize all the vocabulary and the sentences by repeating after me every time .
Finally, do not hesitate to enroll in the course and if you have any questions, feel free to send me a message and I will do my best to answer within a day.
Who this course is for:
If you have no previous knowledge of Arabic Darija and wish to gain a rapid understanding of the language.
If you want to understand Arabic people when they talk to you .
Want to work in morocco
Want to improve their Arabic darija skills.
Who have learned Arabic years ago and have forgotten the language already, but still want to recover.
People who started to learn Arabic darija and want to continue.
People who are willing to learn new language as a hobby.
My passion is helping others growing a skill they are passionate about. I have been teaching and conducting training courses for more than 4 years. I am specialized in Language teaching, training skills.
I have BA in Islamic Studies and I am specialized in teaching Arabic as a foreign language for children and adults at any level ( Beginners , intermediate or advanced ).
wish you good luck in learning Arabic language. :)
Best regards,
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