Learn Spoken Arabic in 101 Languages!

  • 4.3
  • (87+ reviews)


You are not successful unless you have some nice words to start a conversation and if you use those phrases at the start of a conversation which is a part of their culture and they use them daily it means that  you have opened the heart of the other person for yourself and you have their full attention, your good impression will remain until the end of the conversation even if you switch to another language!

While learning Arabic by transliterated (Roman) script most of the non-natives get stuck because they are not familiar with the Arabic alphabets.

Because of that, they cannot differentiate between long and short syllables and some specific Arabic sounds which cannot be expressed by English alphabets. So, they cannot pronounce properly.

Now CHAT has solved this problem with a very practical and easy method with a unique and advanced kind of transliterated (Roman) Arabic.

  • Recognizing short syllables and long syllables:


Let’s take an example, “متی” is an Arabic word which means “When?” and in transliterated (Roman) it is written “Mataa”. But the “a” which comes after “M” is a short sound. So, how to know that? Because if someone reads “a” in English he will automatically produce a long syllable… This always disturbs your pronunciation because you have no way to separate the short sound from the long sound.

We have the simple solution for this problem…

“A”, “O” & “I” are letters which are put instead of some characters when transliterating Arabic to Roman script. But, these are also those letters which are most confusing in the matter of Short/Long sounds.

If a syllable is short, we just put the same letter above the one which is used, but just in smaller size… Also, we break every syllable with a (–). Now, you can easily identify the syllables and understand their partitions!

  • Pronouncing words in the proper way:

It is not possible to create the pure Arabic pronunciation of some letters using only English. Specially the five most complicated sounds, “S”, “H”, “Q”, “T”, “A” or “E” or “I” letters… So, we simply bring Arabic alphabets in small size and put them above these letters.

We will also describe these codes in every slide so by just watching few times you will become used to it and we are sure that your pronunciation will be very similar to the real Arabic pronunciation… You just have to practice then deliver these sentences without any hesitation and maintain your confidence, and we are sure that you will succeed.

Course Info

Created by Sultan Muzaffar
36 hours on-demand video
104 lectures
10,248+ students enrolled
4.3 rating from 87+ reviews
English language
Created on September 03, 2018
Subcategory: Language Learning


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