Learn Machine Learning 101 Class Bootcamp Course NYC

  • 3.7
  • (511+ reviews)


Machine Learning 101 Class Bootcamp Course NYC

  1. Python Scikit-learn Library

  2. Supervised vs Unsupervised Learning

  3. Regression vs Classification models

  4. Categorical vs Continuous feature spaces

  5. Modeling Fundamentals: Test-train split, Cross validation(CV), Bias–variance tradeoff, Precision and Recall, Ensemble models

  6. Interpreting Results of Regression and  Classification Models (Hands On)

  7. Parameters and Hyper Parameters

  8. SVM, K-Nearest Neighbor, Neural Networks

  9. Dimension Reduction

Hands on:

  1. Understanding and Interpreting results of Regression and Logistic Regression using Google Spreadsheets and Python

  2. Calculating R-Square, MSE, Logit manually in excel for enhanced understanding (Multiple Regression)

  3. Understanding features of Popular Datasets: Titanic, Iris (Scikit) and Housing Prices

  4. Running Logistic Regression on Titanic Data Set

  5. Running Regression, Logistic Regression, SVM and Random Forest on Iris Dataset

Course Info

Created by Shivgan Joshi
1 hour on-demand video
19 lectures
16,856+ students enrolled
3.7 rating from 511+ reviews
English language
Created on September 28, 2018
Category: Development
Subcategory: Software Engineering


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